Monday, January 22, 2018

Interesting Points on Building your Social Media Profile

As we begin this semester, and the reading of "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki he talks about the best ways to build your profile and create content that people want to read. The first thing to do when starting any social media is to build your profile. An interesting point that was made is to have continuity between your different social media applications. This helps your viewers know that it is you and creates a sense of professionalism. He also talks about creating a vanity URL so that your blog is easier to find. I feel that with the age of technology that we are in if people are trying to get to something and they don't know the exact URL they can start typing what they know and with search history it will probably come up below the address bar on the web browser. If you are going to take the time to remember a web URL you may as well just save the site as a bookmark which will probably take less time. If you are a corporation or a business I can understand using the vanity URL as name recognition.

The next section discusses how to find and create content. I found it interesting that the author pointed out that content curation is a more useful tool to get people to look at your content as opposed to creating your own content. This section also helped me discover Klout, which allows you to pick topics that you like and will bring you tons of information from across the internet that relate with the things that you like. If you are looking for a site to help you start generating ideas on what to post Klout would be a good place to start. I also had a bit of a change in perspective reading this section, Kawasaki encourages you to share what is currently popular and trending. Initially I thought that it would just be repetitive, but if that is what people are searching for than you are going to be more likely to have people find your content.

I think the most important part of the third section of the reading was in the very first section. That is asking what you are trying to say and how you are going to do it. I think it is also important to have some sort of passion about what you are writing about, otherwise it will come off as bland and may be off putting because it isn't your best work. To me it feels like the author is only focused on getting everyone in the world to read it, that is great and all if that is what you want. However, for a lot of people, or maybe just myself, I want people to read what I have put out there because they are interested in the things that interest me. I think doing that you can start to build a community and for me that would be a much better experience on social media. 

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