Monday, April 23, 2018

The Revitalization of the Restaurant Menu

Restaurant menus could soon be getting a major upgrade thanks to social media technology. Social media has already become a major part of restaurant business. People will often go to a restaurant and take a Snapchat of their food or post a picture of their food on Instagram. If you are a restaurant and people are posting pictures of your food on social media, you are getting free marketing to all of the persons followers. I think the customers benefit from this too, a restaurant is going to want to consistently give their customers quality food so they will recommend it to their friends.

A company called Kabaq is looking to change up the formula again using alternative reality and social media platfroms like Snapchat to show the customers food items on the menu before they order. An article on Digital Trends explains the burger chain Bareburger will be one of the first restaurants to implement this new technology. Pictures are taken of each dish on a menu from a bunch of different angles to create a 3D model of the food. Using an app like Snapchat or the Facebook camera you can display an image of the dish on your phone in front of you and look at it from any direction to see if it is something you want to eat.

I think this would be a great way to promote the consistent quality of food being brought to the customers. If they have an augmented reality image that looks like food does in commercials and the food you bring out does not look as good as the image then the restaurant runs some risk of bad press. The customer could take a picture of the augmented reality food next to the actual food they received and the marketing they could be benefiting from is now hurting their business. The inverse of this is also true, if the actual food looks like the augmented reality image, the customer could post the same picture and the restaurant would receive positive marketing.

I think this is a really cool opportunity for restaurants, as of right now most of the food items on menus are described in words with a few items that can be seen as images. Plus, if people are trying to be adventurous and try new food, if they don't know what something is on the menu but they can see a picture of it they may be more likely to try the new food.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Why you Should Share the Road with Cyclists

I am currently training for an Ironman in Arizona and I have been an avid cyclist for many years and as the weather starts to get nicer you will start to see more cyclists on the road each day. As a cyclists you are generally not allowed to be on sidewalks, so unless you have a good trail near you the road is your domain. When you are being taught to drive you are generally taught to drive defensively, it is even more important as a cyclist to ride defensively because when it is you versus a vehicle the vehicle will always win.

When you are riding a bike there are a lot of different things you have to pay attention to. For me personally, one of the biggest challenges I face on the roads is dealing with the winds, they can change direction and speed at a moments notice. I ride a bike which has a larger side profile because it is designed to be aerodynamic, this means when there is a cross wind it pushes me over more than on a normal bike. Driving a vehicle down the highway in heavy winds you can notice this effect at times but the amount it throws you off of the direction you are travelling is magnified when you are on a very lightweight bike compared to a vehicle which is much more stable because it has four wheel instead of two. Having to deal with changing winds is the main concern I have when a vehicle passes to close next to me, if the wind were to suddenly gust I could be blown into your car. So give cyclists the little bit of extra room, although it may not be convenient for you, it will be much less convenient if something bad does happen. Also, if you pass very close to a biker the biker has to deal with the turbulent airflow your car is always creating as it drives, this is very disruptive to cyclists and it can make the bike more difficult to control.

Most of the things I do as a cyclists are intended to keep me safe. Road systems are often designed for vehicles and cyclists and pedestrians are an afterthought. This makes the roads even more dangerous for cyclists. We are exposed to the elements which means the wind rushing passed our ears can make it difficult for us to hear a car behind us, especially now as cars are becoming more quiet on the roads everyday. We also can not be constantly checking behind us to see if you are there because we need to see the road in front of us for the same reasons a driver needs to see the road in front of them. While riding on the roads there are many things a biker could run into that could cause them to potentially wreck, being from the Midwest there are often large potholes in the roads which could puncture a tire or cause other problems. I also tend to do most of my bike rides out in the country, often there are dogs not on leashes in the country and I have had some run out in the road and nearly knock me over. These are all things I have to be worried about which could cause me to deviate from the line I am riding, if something like this happens while a vehicle is passing to close it could cause a very dangerous crash.

In light of this there are steps I take as a cyclist to limit the chances of a horrible wreck happening, I will often ride a little bit out into the road instead of sticking as far to the right of the road as possible. I do this to force vehicles to go around me as well as give me a place to go that is not in the middle of the road if something suddenly comes out and I need to avoid it. I also do this when I am approaching a stop sign or stop light so people do not try to pass me while going through an intersection, it is important as a cyclist to own your space on the road and it is important for drivers to respect the space for cyclists on the road. I am not just a cyclist, I am also a driver so I understand how getting briefly stuck behind a bike can be frustrating but it makes the roads much safer for everyone.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How to Measure Crises

Your reputation as an organization is extremely important to the success of your business. People do not want to by from or be associated with a company or organization that has a bad reputation because the things people choose to associate themselves with in a way represent themselves. By associating with an organization who has a bad reputation they then hinder their own reputation. Stakeholders also have a key interest in the reputation of your company, a bad reputation is going to lead to a drop in the stock market. Ideally you have a good reputation already because it is something that takes time and effort to change for the better. Recent events with Facebook and its privacy scandal demonstrate how quickly your reputation can change from good to bad.

Crises management is important and a well managed crisis is one that deals with all of the bad press up front, right away. If the crisis is not handled well it can cause damage for a much larger amount of time and will make it more difficult to gain back a good reputation. An overnight poll is one method Paine brings up, in her book "Measure what Matters", to find out what people believe about you especially just after a crisis in order to determine if anything you have been doing is working to relieve the situation. Having a good reputation involves having trust, trust will also be a great defense mechanism in the event a crisis does arise. Trust cultivates many positive things throughout an organization so trust is necessary not only between an organization and its consumers but also within the organization. An organization whose employees trust their employer are more likely to do a better job as well as support the goals the organization has in place. A good relationship with the media can help when dealing with a crisis as they are the ones who have a large impact on how information is released to the public during a crisis.

Clearly it is important to be able to measure a crisis and the trust you have with the all those who can support your organization. The first step is to define how what it means to survive the crisis. The goal should be something you can measure, this can be setting goals based on limiting the drop in stock prices or sales among other things. The next step is to define your audience, this is who you are looking to improve or build your relationship with in order to improve your reputation. Next you need to define your benchmark, during a crisis the focus will generally be on your own organization, however monitoring media outlets and how they cover your crisis can also be a useful tool. Once you have determined your benchmarks you have to define your measurement criteria. This often has to do with the amount of containing messages relating to the crisis and how desirable or undesirable the messages may be. You then need to determine what tool you are going to use to measure your progress toward your goals. Finally, based on the data gathered you need to analyze the results and make reasonable recommendations toward actions to further improve your organizations reputation.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Making Exciting Announcements

The boring press release is becoming a thing of the past, now it is important to make announcements exciting in an attempt to generate extra buzz. With an exciting press release, it is more likely people will actually view the press release and learn about whatever it is you are announcing. An article from entrepreneur points out, the medium a message is sent is almost as important as the message itself. One of the most important things to do is determine what medium you are going to use to send out your announcement. The medium you get the most engagement on is obviously one you want to use to send out your announcement, and I don't think you should necessarily limit yourself to one medium although it can work.

The article by entrepreneur discusses some methods you can use to help your next announcement generate buzz and get people excited about whatever you are releasing. The first item they discuss is about the timing of your announcement. In regards to timing the main idea is to make sure you are ready for an announcement. If your product is not ready then you should not be worrying about making some super awesome announcement, doing so will generate hype and then you will let your fan-base down. The announcement also needs to be thought through, releasing your announcement means the media will begin to critique your product. The announcement should also be working to meet goals you have previously defined and already have benchmarks set.

Your next tip is to pick the right platform to deliver your announcement, the platform picked should naturally be the one that will distribute your message in the most effective manner. Your announcement does not need to be done on social media, it can be performed in person at a tradeshow or some other event. The next tip is to think out of the box when making deciding how to make your announcement. Out of the box ideas can make your announcement more memorable and may help viewers do a double take at your message getting them intrigued in what you are trying to sell. This doesn't necessarily mean your announcement needs to be silly but it should incorporate some component that is buzzworthy. The article by entrepreneur points out a very important question to ask yourself before you decide how to make your announcement, "If you saw it, would you be tempted to share it with others? And is it directly relatable to your product or service?" I think these are important questions to consider whenever you are dealing with public relations, it is essentially the golden rule but for marketing.

The last two tips are to generate a conversation and to build on the momentum of your announcement as opposed to letting the press release stand alone. To generate a conversation work should be done prior to the announcement to start getting people excited about what is coming in the future. Having a buzz started before your announcement can help get more people talking sooner.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

My First Haunted House

Although it is not October and the Halloween season, I just went to my first haunted house for Friday the 13th. I am not a person who enjoys being scared, you will not find me seeking out a horror movie to watch or looking for other ways to frighten myself. I tend to stick with comedies or action movies, and if I want an adrenaline rush I will go mountain biking or do some other athletic activity instead of finding a way to scare myself. So, why did I decide to go to a haunted house when doing so seems hypocritical? Well, I am in my final few weeks of school before I graduate and I didn't have any plans for the weekend other than sit in my room and watch something on Netflix or Hulu. So, when one of my friends texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house I figured I might as well make some new memories and try to do something out of my comfort zone. The haunted house was called the Haunted Town Hall and was located in Lafayette Ohio.

As someone who is not normally into the whole finding ways to scare myself thing, I had a really good time at the haunted house. If you are wondering if I yelled or not the answer is yes, and I yelled loud. In between the short moments of horror I would find myself laughing once I realized I was safe and it was fake, but as I went through I would still get scared and it just made it all the more enjoyable. It was a really weird feeling for me to go through the haunted house and leave with a feeling of having a good time as opposed to trying to figure our how I was going to sleep that night. This doesn't mean I am about to start watching a bunch of horror movies or go to more haunted houses in the near future but I will be a bit more willing to go with friends to a haunted house in the future. I am still indifferent about the scary movies I think they are something I will have to tackle at another point in my life.

One of the first spots in the haunted house to really get my heart racing was when we walked through this "hallway" which was pitch black and had tilted walls that were very close together. The path took lots of sharp turns so it made you claustrophobic and disoriented, the entire time I was walking through it I was afraid something was just going to jump out at me. At one point the path had pressurized blasts of air, the blasts of air were really loud and sudden which was scary. The other thing to really scare me at the haunted house was when we would enter a room full of different doors and you had to pick which door you thought was the exit. If you chose the wrong door you would open it up to some scary creature and a jump scare. When we went through we actually chose the correct door but one of the creatures came out of one of the doors and walked up behind me, I almost jumped out of my skin. There was a lot the haunted house had to offer and the next time it is open I would highly recommend checking it out.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Infuencers Influencing

Influencers play a very important part in the public relations world. It is important to understand an influencer doesn't have to be someone famous or other high powered individual in the industry. Now, with internet accessible to most people in the world which has brought groups of people together forming many different organizations within many different niche communities. An influencer can now be anyone in the world, as long as they recommend your product or service they are an influencer. This means there are a lot more influencers available to help spread your brand and give you a better relationship with your consumers.

Determining who your influencers are, is largely dependent on who your target audience is, if your influencers don't hold any weight in your market space then they are not going to be a good influencer for you. The first step in finding out who your influencers is to search for blogs and other places on the internet that mention you, your competition, or are relevant to your market place. This is a process that takes time to gather data and information, you cannot gather accurate data in a short period of time. After finding these influencers it is important to verify the sites you found are actually important in your marketplace.

Once you have the influencers it is important to build relationships with your influencers and be able to measure your relationship with them. You not only want to measure your relationship with your influencers but checking the health of the relationship is important. You want to understand not only what people are saying about you, but why they say what they do. As with any form of working to improve your public relations, the first step is to define your goals, and make sure they are measurable. The next step is defining your audience, in this case your audience is the influencers for your product. Once you know your audience you will need to determine your benchmarks, this often is compared to your competitors. The key performance indicators will often deal with what your influencers are saying about you and how much engagement they are receiving on their posts. The final step is to determine your measurement tool, their are applications that can help with this but you can also use a spread sheet and do it yourself, it will just take more work.

Your influencers will help spread your brand beyond people who already know about you and follow you on different social media platforms. The influencers will reach groups in different niches throughout your market space, so develop a relationship and keep it healthy. A healthy relationship with your influencers will aid in the public image of your business or organization.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Facebook's Big Mistake

Facebook has been a major social media platform in the news lately after information surfaced regarding the conduct of Facebook and it's use of users information and data. The central problem Facebook is fighting is a privacy scandal. Facebook improperly shared data with Cambridge Analytica which is a political consulting firm and worked on President Trump's campaign. An article by the Wall Street Journal claims data from 87 million Facebook users was improperly shared. Mr.  Zuckerburg, the CEO of Facebook, will give a prepared testimony on Capitol Hill regarding the actions of Facebook during the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The sharing of user information with Cambridge Analytica is not the only offense against Facebook, such as aiding in the spread of disinformation, and violations of a consent order with the Federal Trade Commission.

It has been established that Facebook will sell user data for research and educational purposes but in this situation there is more to the story. The way this works is a company who does research, in this case GSR, develops an app that pulls user data from Facebook. The data was then sold to Cambridge Analytica which was against an agreement signed with Facebook. The place where Facebook gets in trouble is when they heard Cambridge Analytica had data they were not supposed to have, Facebook should have made certain all of the user data was deleted from Cambridge Analytica's possession. Facebook also allowed the app to take data from the friends of the person who used the app without their consent. According to an article by CBS News, Facebook policies have changed where apps are no longer allowed to take data from the friends of the user, however the GSR app was still able to collect the data because it was grandfathered into the older policies.

Another reason this is such a hot topic is because Cambridge Analytica has ties to Russia, who meddled in the 2016 election. The mass amounts of data collected can be used to predict human actions according the news segment in the article by CBS News.

In light of all of the charges against Facebook, Facebook is creating a commission to analyze the effects of social media on elections. An article by NBC News says the "researchers will have access to Facebook's resources." The idea is to have unbiased data on how social media can affect the outcome of elections. The findings on any of these studies will not have an impact on the 2016 presidential election, but it will be looking into future elections.

The amount of data social media sites can gather on people is rather scary, it can be used for good things such as research but it also presents harmful outcomes if it gets into the hands of the wrong people. Due to how new social media is in the world I think social media companies should take an extra look into the ways they are going to safeguard the personal data of individuals. The users of social media also have a responsibility to understand what they are signing up for instead of just checking the box saying you agree to the terms and conditions. Information is gathered on more than just the things you post, it collects data on the things you like and other things you click on while using the platform. Facebook has a tough road ahead, but hopefully there will be lessons learned by Facebook and all of the other social media platforms to safeguard user's privacy.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Return of Supersonic Commercial Flight

October 24th, 2003, marked the date of the last supersonic commercial flight of the Concorde. Ever since then we have been flying at subsonic speeds to our destinations. It takes current commercial aircraft approximately eight hours to complete a transatlantic flight, the Concorde would do it in around three and a half hours. We live in an age where technology has exploded, the amount of computing power it took to go to the moon now fits in a computer which we put in our pocket. However, the supersonic commercial airline is still not a common mode of transportation. So why do we settle for 8 hour flights across the Atlantic when it can be done in much less time.

One of the first things most people will say is the reason for not having supersonic commercial air travel is due to the sonic boom. The sonic boom created by a large aircraft flying supersonic forced congress to ban supersonic travel over land. Approximately 75% of flights are over land so the usefulness of the Concorde decreased dramatically. One of the other main problems with a supersonic commercial aircraft is the cost it takes to operate. The engines used to allow an aircraft to fly supersonic are not as efficient as the engines used in new commercial aircraft like the Boeing 787. The new Boeing 737 MAX, which is the newest variant in the popular 737 series of aircraft, is another aircraft with increased efficiency and reduced cost limiting the need for a faster airplane. Companies operating aircraft are looking for fuel efficiency and cost saving measures because they are running a business. The aircraft manufacturers are trying to sell aircraft so they are not going to necessarily spend the time and money to develop a supersonic aircraft which may not sell.

Not all hope is lost for the idea of supersonic commercial flight, research is being done by companies like Lockhead Martin and NASA to develop a supersonic aircraft which has a greatly reduced supersonic shock if not completely get rid of the shock all together. If they can pull off the engineering feat there are still roadblocks to go through such as a repeal to the law passed by congress. Engine development is another crucial aspect of developing a supersonic commercial aircraft. Most engines are not designed for sustained supersonic flight unless it is for a military application in a smaller aircraft like the F-22 Raptor. The F-22 Raptor is one of the most advanced aircraft in the world and one of its features no other fighter has is the ability to super cruise. The goal for the design of a new supersonic commercial aircraft is a tight timeline with the hope of having an experimental aircraft by 2023.

It may be possible in the near future it will be common for humans to travel faster than the speed of sound and make the world an even smaller place. Plus, as a passenger the less time on the plane the better so people may be willing to pay a little bit more for the convenience of supersonic flight.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Creating a Measurement Program for your Organization

When working in public relations and particularly on social media applications, being able to measure how well your content is working is one of the most important things for developing your content and proving your return on investment. The book "Measure what Matters" by Katie Paine, goes through seven steps to help create a measurement system for your social media platforms.

The first step is to define your goals and objectives. If you do not know what you are trying to get out of your use of social media then you are not going to be able to measure any progress. By defining your goals you will be able to tell what is working and what is not working based on whether you are making progress toward your goals or not. In terms of marketing Paine points out there are typically three categories goals lie in such as sales, message or positioning, and public safety or education.

The second step is to define your audience, environment, and the role you play in influencing them. An environment consists of multiple audiences, although you may be targeting one group of people your message will reach multiple different audiences. Knowing your message will reach more than your target audience it is important to understand who might be viewing your content and to know how the relationship with the audience not being targeted can affect your organization.

The third step is to define your investment. This means you need to know what your outreach will cost and what you are investing into your program. The investment is more than just money, investments include the time spent by employees working on the program instead of doing their other work. Taking someones time away from other work to head the social media will mean they are splitting their work into more pieces so less time will be spent on other projects as well. It is important to figure out if the investment is worth the potential costs.

The fourth step is to determine your benchmarks. Benchmarks are used to compare your results, the benchmarks allow you to tell if your program is successful and heading toward your goals and objectives, or if you need to rethink your strategy. Paine points out the best comparisons are to your competition and peers over time as opposed to yourself or industry averages. The reason for this is the world of social media is always changing so what works one day may not work the next, benchmarks will help keep you on track. Past performance is also a benchmark that can be used, if you are improving on your numbers it is a good sign.

The fifth step is to define your key performance indicators. This is where you decide what success means for you in a specific sense. Not all of your objectives will use the same type of measurement, such as money and time, so they will use different performance indicators. In this stage it is important to understand the difference between visibility and awareness. Visibility is simply the volume of coverage your content gets and where it is placed, awareness is how many people have knowledge of the message.

The sixth step is to pick the right measurement tool and collect data. It is important the measurement tool you are using will measure the data you need to evaluate the progress of your program. Having lots of graphs, charts, and numbers does no good if the data being measured is not pertinent to your objective. Accurate, affordable, and timely data collection are important factors to consider during this step.

The final step is to use the data you have acquired, analyze it, and create an actionable conclusion. A measurement program is an iterative process and due to the changing environment of social media must be done over and over again. The best way to come to actionable conclusions is to relate your conclusion to the objectives you created in step one. Changes do not happen overnight, and once a change is made the effects of the change may not be seen for over a year so do not expect changes to affect your data immediately.

April Fools and PR

April Fools is a day where businesses attempt to show their sense of humor with the world and get some extra retweets for the day. Some of the April fools jokes worked well and others simply missed the mark. An article by PR News shows some examples of what companies did that worked, didn't work, and just plain missed the spot. One of the things the companies did which worked well was not making outlandish claims. The companies who had good April fools jokes created press releases in the same format as a normal press release with a claim which seemed strange but once the full article was read the joke was understood.

Some companies were a bit to obvious with their April fools jokes. Obvious jokes are often times not very funny and show a lack of effort. The PR News article uses a solar power plant claiming to be switching to coal power as and example of one of the bad April fools jokes. The joke is obvious, a solar company would not be switching to coal power. The joke is also betraying the values of the company and its followers, the people who are going to see the tweet are not going to think it is very funny.

The worst April fools PR were from companies who essentially created fake news stories. The stories were not necessarily a play on the way they normally do things with a harmless accusation. Stories claiming that your business is going to be closing are not going to be good PR. To me it seems like common sense not to tell your customer base you are closing, if they think you are closing they are not going to keep looking to buy your product, they will start looking elsewhere. The current cultural climate dealing with fake news does not make these April fools jokes any better. The jokes undermine the fact of news being accurate even if it is only an April fools joke.

The Washington Post created an article listing a bunch of the April fools jokes sent out on social media by different companies. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Amazon Publishing delivering actual authors
  • Google Maps being a game of Where's Waldo
  • eHarmony getting into dog matching
  • Stephen King running for the Governor of Maine
Although these are not actual events occurring I enjoyed the creativity and playfulness of them. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Health of Running

Running has been a part of my life since I was young, in high school I was on the cross-country and track teams. I have also been doing triathlons for a long time. The world of endurance sports has always been something I enjoy and I find the things some people are capable of doing simply amazing. I did not start running to become healthier, I started running because it was something I wanted to do. Growing up in grade school running was one of the things I could do well, even playing basketball I looked forward to the running part of practice. Today I still think being able to run is extremely beneficial in basketball because if you can wear the other team out it makes their job a lot harder.

It has been fairly well established that running is good for your health and their are many ways it is beneficial. Being an aerobic exercise running has been shown to be good for the heart. An article on emedicine health lists other benefits to running such as decreasing your risk to type 2 diabetes. Running can help control control blood pressure, strengthen bones and muscles, improve your mood and decrease symptoms of depression, as well as reducing your risk of some cancers and reducing the risk of dementia. An article by the Washington Post also describes one of the mechanisms which may lead to the "runners high" which gives you a feeling the run is easy and can almost feel euphoric. Running is also known to release certain endorphins in the brain which make you feel better.

Although your mind may feel better your body is still susceptible to aches and pains and even injury can be caused by running. I have personally suffered from an injury due to running, at the beginning of my junior year cross-country season I suffered a stress fracture in my femur. My stress fracture was most likely caused by the way I was running and not due to the pounding involved with running. Building up the amount you run overtime in my opinion is one of the best ways to prevent the major running injuries. As you run and put stress on the bones they will strengthen up. If you run too much too fast your bones and muscles may not have been strengthened enough which may lead to a potential injury. An article by Time points out there is some research which may suggest running can decrease the chance of some injuries.

Running is often seen as an unappealing way to work out but you don't need equipment other than a pair of shoes and you can do it anywhere at anytime. Running also burns calories quickly which is a plus. So, I would encourage others to give running a chance because it might make you fell better, just pace yourself.