Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Infuencers Influencing

Influencers play a very important part in the public relations world. It is important to understand an influencer doesn't have to be someone famous or other high powered individual in the industry. Now, with internet accessible to most people in the world which has brought groups of people together forming many different organizations within many different niche communities. An influencer can now be anyone in the world, as long as they recommend your product or service they are an influencer. This means there are a lot more influencers available to help spread your brand and give you a better relationship with your consumers.

Determining who your influencers are, is largely dependent on who your target audience is, if your influencers don't hold any weight in your market space then they are not going to be a good influencer for you. The first step in finding out who your influencers is to search for blogs and other places on the internet that mention you, your competition, or are relevant to your market place. This is a process that takes time to gather data and information, you cannot gather accurate data in a short period of time. After finding these influencers it is important to verify the sites you found are actually important in your marketplace.

Once you have the influencers it is important to build relationships with your influencers and be able to measure your relationship with them. You not only want to measure your relationship with your influencers but checking the health of the relationship is important. You want to understand not only what people are saying about you, but why they say what they do. As with any form of working to improve your public relations, the first step is to define your goals, and make sure they are measurable. The next step is defining your audience, in this case your audience is the influencers for your product. Once you know your audience you will need to determine your benchmarks, this often is compared to your competitors. The key performance indicators will often deal with what your influencers are saying about you and how much engagement they are receiving on their posts. The final step is to determine your measurement tool, their are applications that can help with this but you can also use a spread sheet and do it yourself, it will just take more work.

Your influencers will help spread your brand beyond people who already know about you and follow you on different social media platforms. The influencers will reach groups in different niches throughout your market space, so develop a relationship and keep it healthy. A healthy relationship with your influencers will aid in the public image of your business or organization.

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