Sunday, April 15, 2018

My First Haunted House

Although it is not October and the Halloween season, I just went to my first haunted house for Friday the 13th. I am not a person who enjoys being scared, you will not find me seeking out a horror movie to watch or looking for other ways to frighten myself. I tend to stick with comedies or action movies, and if I want an adrenaline rush I will go mountain biking or do some other athletic activity instead of finding a way to scare myself. So, why did I decide to go to a haunted house when doing so seems hypocritical? Well, I am in my final few weeks of school before I graduate and I didn't have any plans for the weekend other than sit in my room and watch something on Netflix or Hulu. So, when one of my friends texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house I figured I might as well make some new memories and try to do something out of my comfort zone. The haunted house was called the Haunted Town Hall and was located in Lafayette Ohio.

As someone who is not normally into the whole finding ways to scare myself thing, I had a really good time at the haunted house. If you are wondering if I yelled or not the answer is yes, and I yelled loud. In between the short moments of horror I would find myself laughing once I realized I was safe and it was fake, but as I went through I would still get scared and it just made it all the more enjoyable. It was a really weird feeling for me to go through the haunted house and leave with a feeling of having a good time as opposed to trying to figure our how I was going to sleep that night. This doesn't mean I am about to start watching a bunch of horror movies or go to more haunted houses in the near future but I will be a bit more willing to go with friends to a haunted house in the future. I am still indifferent about the scary movies I think they are something I will have to tackle at another point in my life.

One of the first spots in the haunted house to really get my heart racing was when we walked through this "hallway" which was pitch black and had tilted walls that were very close together. The path took lots of sharp turns so it made you claustrophobic and disoriented, the entire time I was walking through it I was afraid something was just going to jump out at me. At one point the path had pressurized blasts of air, the blasts of air were really loud and sudden which was scary. The other thing to really scare me at the haunted house was when we would enter a room full of different doors and you had to pick which door you thought was the exit. If you chose the wrong door you would open it up to some scary creature and a jump scare. When we went through we actually chose the correct door but one of the creatures came out of one of the doors and walked up behind me, I almost jumped out of my skin. There was a lot the haunted house had to offer and the next time it is open I would highly recommend checking it out.


  1. What a great post! I must admit, when I first read the title I was surprised. The last thing i expected to hear was someone had visited a haunted house in April. Previously, I was unaware there were even haunted houses open this time of year but sure am glad I know know. It's wonderful you enjoyed yourself with your first haunted house experience. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It is interesting to me that they have haunted houses open this time of year but after reading Friday the 13th it made more sense. I applaud you for going and enjoying yourself because I have never been to one and who nows if I ever will. I appreciate the people that can do that but I think scary movies are enough scare for me because I am in the comfort of my home or in a theater and not out walking around with the things trying to scare me.
