Monday, April 16, 2018

Making Exciting Announcements

The boring press release is becoming a thing of the past, now it is important to make announcements exciting in an attempt to generate extra buzz. With an exciting press release, it is more likely people will actually view the press release and learn about whatever it is you are announcing. An article from entrepreneur points out, the medium a message is sent is almost as important as the message itself. One of the most important things to do is determine what medium you are going to use to send out your announcement. The medium you get the most engagement on is obviously one you want to use to send out your announcement, and I don't think you should necessarily limit yourself to one medium although it can work.

The article by entrepreneur discusses some methods you can use to help your next announcement generate buzz and get people excited about whatever you are releasing. The first item they discuss is about the timing of your announcement. In regards to timing the main idea is to make sure you are ready for an announcement. If your product is not ready then you should not be worrying about making some super awesome announcement, doing so will generate hype and then you will let your fan-base down. The announcement also needs to be thought through, releasing your announcement means the media will begin to critique your product. The announcement should also be working to meet goals you have previously defined and already have benchmarks set.

Your next tip is to pick the right platform to deliver your announcement, the platform picked should naturally be the one that will distribute your message in the most effective manner. Your announcement does not need to be done on social media, it can be performed in person at a tradeshow or some other event. The next tip is to think out of the box when making deciding how to make your announcement. Out of the box ideas can make your announcement more memorable and may help viewers do a double take at your message getting them intrigued in what you are trying to sell. This doesn't necessarily mean your announcement needs to be silly but it should incorporate some component that is buzzworthy. The article by entrepreneur points out a very important question to ask yourself before you decide how to make your announcement, "If you saw it, would you be tempted to share it with others? And is it directly relatable to your product or service?" I think these are important questions to consider whenever you are dealing with public relations, it is essentially the golden rule but for marketing.

The last two tips are to generate a conversation and to build on the momentum of your announcement as opposed to letting the press release stand alone. To generate a conversation work should be done prior to the announcement to start getting people excited about what is coming in the future. Having a buzz started before your announcement can help get more people talking sooner.

1 comment:

  1. Duggan, thank you for all of this information. I think it is important to make sure that when you post something it is posted to the right platform and that it is the best work you can post.
